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Foreign Language Teachers' Toolbox

03   Arts, Crafts, and Music
Each picture represents an activity; click on the picture to go to the activity behind it.

click here for a game of a button on a string
Button on a string
Have fun with colors, shapes, and sounds.

click here for a paper-cutting activity
Papercut decoration
Explore the joys of symmetry.

click here for a stamp-designing activity
Stamps and postcards
Design your own stamps and postcards

click here and transform the classroom into a statue garden
Statues and paintings
Create a statue garden in the classroom.

here for an activity with colors and numbers
Color by number
Create colorful shapes following zip-code and area-code maps.

click here to
learn how to make a paper hat
Paper hat
Use newspapers to fold simple hats.

click here
to learn how to make a paper boat
Paper boat
Create a fleet using colored paper.

click here to learn how to make paper airplanes
Paper airplane
Create a variety of flying machines using colored paper.

click here to learn how to make paper chompers
Enjoy a puppet show with paper chompers.

click here for the game of exquisite corpse
Exquisite corpse
Draw hillarious creatures.

here to learn how to make a woven heart
Woven heart
Create a gift box for a friend or loved one.

click here for a game with punctuation
Punctuation art
Draw a face using punctuation marks.

click here for a game with crochet chains
Chain of friendship
Crochet chains and connect them to form a net.

click here for cat's cradle instructions
From the pool to the cradle
Create string designs with another student.

click here
for simple tesselation instructions
Explore the symmetry of repetitive patterns.

here for tangram instructions
Explore congruent and symmetrical patterns.

here for a game of musical indtroductions
Musical introductions
Meet your classmates with songs.

here for a game of muscial 4/4 and 3/4 beats
Musical patterns
Count by threes and fours while following a musical pattern.

click here for a game of muscial phrases
Musical phrases
Create and repeat lines of text and musical phrases.

here for a game of muscial notes
Musical notes
Create a melody associating words with individual notes.

here for a game of muscial beats
Beat together
Create a string of musical beats associated with words.

Home || 01 site blueprints || 02 look and learn || 03 arts, crafts, and music || 04 practice and evaluation tools || 05 resources for teachers
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© Authors: Esther Raizen and Jane Lippmann, The University of Texas at Austin, 2002-2007