
The Hebrew Program is part of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. The department offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, and Hebrew students typically concentrate on Modern Hebrew or the ancient Near East. Students are encouraged to develop a regional focus at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Academic and cultural activities in the department are supported by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, whose activities are primarily funded by a federal Title VI grant.

The Modern Hebrew Project, which produced open resource tools for the study of Modern Hebrew language and linguistics, was initiated at the University of Texas Linguistics Research Center in the late 1990s, and some of the materials developed within that framework are still available through this site. This project was generously supported by the University of Texas Vision Plan and the College of Liberal Arts.

The materials available on this site are intended for use by the general public as well as by UT students. While they may supplement any curriculum, the tutorials and other resources offered here work best within the framework of the curriculum developed at the University of Texas at Austin. Materials for Esther Raizen's Modern Hebrew for Beginners (UT Press,2016), and Modern Hebrew for Intermediate Students (UT Press, 2016) are included in the Tutorials and Video Clips sections of this site (see navigation bar).

We have also made available for general use Yours Truly, twenty units with a listening component and exercises. This set was developed to supplement the curriculum used at UT as we moved into an intensive model of instruction, but may be used independently as well.

Materials on this site may be used, quoted, or linked to for educational purposes without prior permission, provided that appropriate credit is given to Dr. Raizen and the University of Texas at Austin. Commercial use of this material or its duplication in any form are strictly prohibited.