Foreign Language Teachers' Toolbox

Introduction, Credits, and Copyright Statement

To the User
Designed as a resource for foreign language teachers, this toolbox offers games, art and music projects, and evaluation tools that may be used in any foreign language classroom, from grade school through college. Our activities offer hands-on experience and encourage assimilation and creativity in the target language while reinforcing vocabulary and grammatical structures and focusing on oral expression. Unlike most foreign language sites, the toolbox is not language specific, and is intended primarily for teachers who seek to provide students with enrichment activities yet do not have the inclination to create them. Our ideas are simple to understand and apply, and do not require a large investment of time or money. Much like a cake mix, the toolbox furnishes all the essential ingredients for an activity, from pedagogical objectives to all details necessary for its successful execution. Users need only adapt those ingredients to their particular language and to the level of their students. The same approach guides the practice and evaluation tools which we provide-- teachers who are new to technology or have no time to invest in it may easily adapt the tools to their needs and use them to benefit their students.

The project was supported by a grant from the UT Austin Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, and a FASTTex grant from the UT Austin Center for Instructional Technologies. We wish to thank Joe Tenbarge and Coco Kishi for their support, and Suloni Robertson, Ethan Persoff, and Dave Campbell for their contibutions to our toolbox.

Copyright Statement
This site is designed for free classroom use or other educational purposes.
You may link to it, print and disseminate its materials to students and teachers, but you may not alter the site materials or derive monetary gain from them.

Home || 01 site blueprints || 02 look and learn || 03 arts, crafts, and music || 04 practice and evaluation tools || 05 resources for teachers

© Esther Raizen and Jane Lippmann, The University of Texas at Austin, 2001-2004