Foreign Language Teachers' Toolbox

Arts, Crafts, and Music Blueprints

Each icon on the "Arts, Crafts, and Music" page links to an activity. Instructors should study the objectives of the activity, the suggested vocabulary associated with it, the materials needed, and the activity itself. They should then adapt the idea to their individual language and to the level of their students, and take it to class. The visuals included in the pages are for instructors only-- they are not meant to be followed or even viewed by students.

The arts and crafts pages can be navigated in one of two ways:

  1. Each activity page details the steps of the activity with thumb-nail visuals demonstrating those steps. In most cases this page should suffice to make the activity clear.
  2. Instructors who would like to see more detailed visuals should click on the thumb-nail images. Each one links to a full-size image, and users can go through the activity viewing the full-size images one after the other. Closing all the full-size image windows will take the user back to the activity page.

The "paper hat," "paper boat," and "chomper" activities are based on similar steps. Since the paper hat is very simple to make, we suggest that users begin with this activity.

The music pages require that users download the scorch2 plugin and install it in their browser "plug-ins" folder/directory. It is free and available from Sibelius software.

Home || 01 site blueprints || 02 look and learn || 03 arts, crafts, and music || 04 practice and evaluation tools || 05 resources for teachers

© Esther Raizen and Jane Lippmann, The University of Texas at Austin, 2001-2004